
The Cross of Calvary

"Where there was sin your love rushed in, where sin runs deep your grace runs deeper." (Seas of Crimson by Brian Johnson) Easter celebration and Good Friday is around the corner. The sacrifice of Christ, traded places with us, experiencing spiritual separation from the Father and then death, and resurrected again on the third day, that we too may have a new life in Him, a life of victory through Christ. The cross remains as a reminder as to what Christ has done, the amount of pain that He suffered for our sake, both physical and spiritual pain. The cross is an item of punishment, an item used by Romans for a punishment method called crucifixion, a punishment that causes a slow and painful death. Looking at the cross should remind us of punishment, where we should be punished for our sins, but Christ's love for us compels Him to replace us and take our place instead and took that punishment upon Himself and that has brought peace to us. Today, where sin crept into our souls, so does grace which floods into our souls even deeper than our sins and this grace seeks to free us from condemnation and compels us to repentance. "Now here is the connection with the death of Christ. When Jesus died, he secured for us the removal of our deadness, and purchased for us the gift of life and faith. In other words, God’s “great love” could make us alive, because in Christ that same great love had provided the punishment of all our sins and the provision of all our righteousness. (John Piper)"

Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
    and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
    nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
    a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
    for the transgression of my people he was punished.[b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
    and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
    he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g]
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,

    and made intercession for the transgressors.

Seas Of Crimson Lyrics by Brian Johnson

Verse I
For every curse, you’re the cure
For every sickness, you’re the healer
For every storm, you’re the calm
For all that’s lost, oh, what a savior

Verse II
On that cross of calvary
Every burden has been defeated
Every wretched heart redeemed
You drown our sins in seas of crimson

Hallelujah death is beaten
Christ has risen from the grave
Hallelujah it is finished
All to you the highest praise
Hallelujah death is beaten
Christ has risen from the grave
Hallelujah now and forever
All to you the highest praise

Verse III
On that day of utmost glory
All of darkness cannot carry
Every shackle will come undone
My solid rock thine is the kingdom

Hallelujah death is beaten
Christ has risen from the grave
Hallelujah it is finished
All to you the highest praise
Hallelujah death is beaten
Christ has risen from the grave
Hallelujah now and forever
All to you the highest praise

Where there was sin your love rushed in
Where sin runs deep your grace runs deeper
For all enslaved the ransom paid
Light of the world, yours is the power

Repeat Bridge

Hallelujah death is beaten
Christ has risen from the grave
Hallelujah it is finished
All to you the highest praise
Hallelujah death is beaten
Christ has risen from the grave
Hallelujah now and forever
All to you the highest praise

Verse II
On that cross of calvary
Every burden has been defeated
Every wretched heart redeemed
You drown our sins in seas of crimson


Satisfied in Him

Faster cars. More money. Bigger houses. More power. More influence. More professional skills in sports.More good looking. More branded. In the position of good, better and best, people usually always take themselves to be at just good and always opt for better in the struggle to try and be the best, even if they are at the best at their competition, they will usually just place themselves at good because they will still be searching for better. The search for better in this world sometimes clouds our judgement of many things, disrupt the priorities of our life, reshape our characteristic and all these comes down to creating a hole in our heart, where we can never find satisfaction because there will always be someone who have something better or someone who have better possessions that scratches our heart's jealousy and pulls the covetous out of us. The psalmist mentions in Psalm 73 of this struggle of the heart, but goes to mention that ultimately at the end of the psalm, the psalmist saw that he desires of nothing on earth except the Lord, and this happens when in the middle of the psalm, he entered into the Lord's sanctuary and has his eyes opened. And this should be how it is. The hole in our heart has only one sink stopper and that is the fellowship of the Lord. We all have a hole in our heart, we cant be satisfied with so many things and only when we surrender and enter into His sanctuary can we fully know and understand that He alone satisfies us. He is good, better and the best all three in one and even goes beyond just good, better and best.

Psalm 73
A psalm of Asaph.

1 Surely God is good to Israel,
    to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
    I had nearly lost my foothold.
3 For I envied the arrogant
    when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 They have no struggles;
    their bodies are healthy and strong.[a]
5 They are free from common human burdens;
    they are not plagued by human ills.
6 Therefore pride is their necklace;
    they clothe themselves with violence.
7 From their callous hearts comes iniquity[b];
    their evil imaginations have no limits.
8 They scoff, and speak with malice;
    with arrogance they threaten oppression.
9 Their mouths lay claim to heaven,
    and their tongues take possession of the earth.
10 Therefore their people turn to them
    and drink up waters in abundance.[c]
11 They say, “How would God know?
    Does the Most High know anything?”
12 This is what the wicked are like—
    always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.
13 Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure
    and have washed my hands in innocence.
14 All day long I have been afflicted,
    and every morning brings new punishments.
15 If I had spoken out like that,
    I would have betrayed your children.
16 When I tried to understand all this,
    it troubled me deeply
17 till I entered the sanctuary of God;
    then I understood their final destiny.
18 Surely you place them on slippery ground;
    you cast them down to ruin.
19 How suddenly are they destroyed,
    completely swept away by terrors!
20 They are like a dream when one awakes;
    when you arise, Lord,
    you will despise them as fantasies.
21 When my heart was grieved
    and my spirit embittered,
22 I was senseless and ignorant;
    I was a brute beast before you.
23 Yet I am always with you;
    you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
    and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.
27 Those who are far from you will perish;
    you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
    I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
    I will tell of all your deeds.

You Satisfy My Soul by Laura Hackett

You satisfy my soul, You satisfy my soul
You satisfy my soul, With Your love

You make my heart sing
You lift me on eagles wings
Just when I thought that my heart it would faint
You take the darknest night and turn it to shining light
Just when I thought that the night had won

Hallelujah, You make all things beautiful
Hallelujah, trials and testing prove there’s gold
Hallelujah, You turn mourning into joy


Staying Amazed

When was the last time that we have all paused and take a moment to just stay amazed at God, just to pour out praises to Him, just to exalt Him. We're so busy chasing after things in life or perhaps it was things in life that was chasing after us and we're busy running from it all. When was the last time we paused to marvel at His fingerprints in our life to praise Him for His hands upon things in our life or we just take a short "Thank You" as the best we give back to God for whatever marvelous works He has done in our life. The psalmist King David wrote the full psalm just to praise God's splendors and praise God endlessly for His love and His works. Not only one psalm but many psalms as well were praises were given when should. Have you ever felt tired serving in church? Tired of doings things and chasing schedules or may be it was getting tired of things chasing you to get done and schedules chasing after you. If it is so, then perhaps, we're so busy chasing after church, so busy building His body, that we forgot to take time off and marvel at the hands that guided us as we build the church, to take time to wonder and praise the works He has done through us in our service to the church. May be it is time to take a pause, step back from the busy life and open our eyes to see His fingerprints in our life, how His hands beautifully guided us and worked for our good and open our mouth to give Him full praise instead of a mere "Thank You".

Psalm 145
1 I will exalt you, my God the King;
    I will praise your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will praise you
    and extol your name for ever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
    his greatness no one can fathom.
4 One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.
5 They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty
    and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
6 They tell of the power of your awesome works
    and I will proclaim your great deeds.
7 They celebrate your abundant goodness
    and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
    slow to anger and rich in love.
9 The Lord is good to all;
    he has compassion on all he has made.
10 All your works praise you, Lord;
    your faithful people extol you.
11 They tell of the glory of your kingdom
    and speak of your might,
12 so that all people may know of your mighty acts
    and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
    and your dominion endures through all generations.
The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises
    and faithful in all he does.
14 The Lord upholds all who fall
    and lifts up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look to you,
    and you give them their food at the proper time.
16 You open your hand
    and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways
    and faithful in all he does.
18 The Lord is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
    he hears their cry and saves them.
20 The Lord watches over all who love him,
    but all the wicked he will destroy.
21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.
    Let every creature praise his holy name
    for ever and ever.

Stay Amazed by Gateway Worship
You are enthroned above the heavens
The earth and all creation bow before You
You are crowned with strength and glory
The angels crying holy all surround You
Forever You will stand
Your kingdom has no end

Oh Holy God
I stay amazed
You are so much than words could ever say
Oh Holy God I pour out my praise
On the One who never ceases to amaze

You are loving beyond measure
Your presence is a treasure I am seeking
You are all consuming fire and I am Your desire and You are mine
Forever you will stand
Your kingdom has no end

Oh Holy God
I stay amazed
You are so much than words could ever say
Oh Holy God I pour out my praise
On the One who never ceases to amaze

Im pouring out my praise on You
Im pouring out my love on You


Amazing love

Sin. Why did Adam and Eve take the fruit of knowledge? Because it was promised to them as nice by the serpent. A lie laced with good words to cloth an evil plot. That is just what sin is. Seems good, feels good, drives us to follow the wrong directions in life by keeping us laced with false promises and undying satisfactions, drives to go to the extreme and gives us nothing back but a chain of burden and stains our very souls with dirt of evil. The consequences of sin is shame, condemnation. It never ends in beauty. What is beautiful is the love of God that comes and covers all these with calvary. And what makes it even beautiful is because this love comes through the sacrifice of Christ upon that cross, where He suffered physical and spiritual pain so that we can be free. He who can take our soul that is soaked with sins and evilness and turn it as white as snow and gives us a chance of repentance. Such love is crazy love. Love beyond imagination. Agape love, truly love at its highest form. Love that compels a change of heart, love that convicts to repentance, love that drives to set us free from the chains and bondage of sin. "You can never know the true depth of God's love until you know the true depths of your sins"

Psalm 51
1 Have mercy on me, O God,
    according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
    blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash away all my iniquity
    and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I know my transgressions,
    and my sin is always before me.
4 Against you, you only, have I sinned
    and done what is evil in your sight;
so you are right in your verdict
    and justified when you judge.
5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
    sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;
    you taught me wisdom in that secret place.
7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
    wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
    let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
9 Hide your face from my sins
    and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
    so that sinners will turn back to you.
14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
    you who are God my Savior,
    and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
15 Open my lips, Lord,
    and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
    you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 My sacrifice, O God, is[b] a broken spirit;
    a broken and contrite heart
    you, God, will not despise.
18 May it please you to prosper Zion,
    to build up the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous,
    in burnt offerings offered whole;
    then bulls will be offered on your altar.


The Savior alone carried the cross
For all of my debts, He paid the cost
Salvation complete now forever I'm free
Calvary covers it all

Calvary covers it all
My sin and shame, don't count anymore
All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all

No power on Earth
Not even the grave
Could separate us from mercy and grace 
He is faithful to save, oh His blood never fails
Calvary covers it all

Calvary covers it all
My sin and shame, don't count anymore
All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all

No one but Jesus
Can make us pure as snow
We stand in Your freedom
Calvary covers it all

Calvary covers it all
My sin and shame, don't count anymore
All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all

All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all


the spiritual yearning

Sometimes in life, we just feel not close to God, and in all these, we can feel a deep surge in our hearts to want to draw closer to Him, to feel His love, His presence, His joy, His peace and His grace again. And this yearning is deep, driven by the knowing that He is the one God that can really help us in all our situations of this world, to bring us up and out of the drowning ocean of the overwhelming sins and shames of ourselves and the vast of ocean of the things of this world that drowns us and that is when we really desire to to drown instead in God's presence rather than drown in the things of this world. Just like the psalmist King David said that my whole being longs for You, the whole of ourselves yearns for God in a dry and parched land where there is no water. That parched land is our soul when we are far from God. The psalmist writes that His love is better than life. Life here might mean anything to us, more money, bigger house, bigger car, more power and influence, better gadgets and the psalmist describes His love as better than all of these. Indeed, pull me closer to You.. its all I want.

Psalm 63

1 You, God, are my God,
    earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
    my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
    where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary
    and beheld your power and your glory.
3 Because your love is better than life,
    my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
    and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
6 On my bed I remember you;
    I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help,
    I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you;
    your right hand upholds me.
9 Those who want to kill me will be destroyed;
    they will go down to the depths of the earth.
10 They will be given over to the sword
    and become food for jackals.
11 But the king will rejoice in God;
    all who swear by God will glory in him,
    while the mouths of liars will be silenced.

Closer by Bethel Live

Your love has ravished my heart
And taken me over, taken me over
And all I want is to be
With You forever, with You forever

Chorus 1:
Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart
‘Cause Your love is so much sweeter
Than anything I’ve tasted
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart

Ooh, Ooh how great your love is for me
Ooh, Ooh how great is your love

Chorus 2:
Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart
‘Cause Your love is so much stronger
Than anything I’ve faced and
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart


Bless the Lord, O my soul

Even the psalmist, King David said , praise the Lord, my soul, all my inmost being, praise his Holy name. He is a great and beautiful God and in all my adoration for Him, I will reach out to Him will all my soul, with all that is within me to just bless and praise the one God that redeems, heals, and sets my life journey right. The one God that never fails to love and never fails to mend things. The God that has looked over every path we travel in life even when we walk away from Him. He is always  there, looking out for us.

Psalm 103

1 Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The Lord works righteousness
    and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
    his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
    slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
    nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
    or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
    so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
    he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass,
    they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
    and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children—
18 with those who keep his covenant
    and remember to obey his precepts.
19 The Lord has established his throne in heaven,
    and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the Lord, you his angels,
    you mighty ones who do his bidding,
    who obey his word.
21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts,
    you his servants who do his will.
22 Praise the Lord, all his works
    everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the Lord, my soul.

"10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)" by Matt Redman

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger
Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

And on that day when my strength is failing
The end draws near and my time has come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore

[Chorus x2]
Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name
Lord, I'll worship Your holy name

Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name
Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name
I'll worship Your holy name


God's Presence

"I want to be in His presence, I need to be in His presence, I desire to be in His presence more than anything else because there, that's where there is fullness of joy, that's where there is strength for the journey, that's where there is life and hope and grace for all that we need."

Indeed.. the beauty of His presence captivates and just  releases my soul of all the burdens of life. Jumping into that Presence is just like jumping into a spring of water during hot weathers. The water of life overflows in His presence. A sanctuary, where there is grace, hope, life, love, strength. Beautiful. Just as Jesus has said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30.

Your Presence Is Heaven Lyrics by Israel Houghton

Who is like You Lord in all the earth
Matchless love and beauty, endless worth
Nothing in this world will satisfy
Jesus, You're the cup that won't run dry

Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me

Treasure of my heart and of my soul
In my weakness, you are merciful
Redeemer of my past and present wrongs
And holder of my future days to come

Your presence is heaven to me,
your presence is heaven to me
your presence is heaven to me
your presence is heaven to me

It's heaven to me God, so we'll sing it
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus, Your presence is heaven to me
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus, Your presence is heaven to me

All my days on earth I will await the moment that I see You face to face
Nothing in this world can satisfy
But Jesus You're the cup that won't run dry
Oh Jesus You're the cup that won't run dry, you never run dry

Your presence is heaven to me, oh whoa
Your presence is heaven to me
Lord, Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me

So we sing it, oh Jesus, Oh Jesus, Your presence is heaven to me

Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus, Your presence is heaven to me


Turn your eyes upon Jesus..

"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:1-2

 Hidden with Christ. Just like a baby eagle sheltered under the wings of the eagle. Amazing. a sanctuary like no other. Indeed.. just turn your eyes upon Jesus.. the perfecter of our faith. That is all I need to do.. each and everyday.. to look to Him. Christ is enough.

Turn Your Eyes Jesus by Alan Jackson
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
O’er us sin no more hath dominion—
For more than conqu’rors we are!
His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

no shortcut

In life. Many people look for shortcuts.. wish that things will come fast and get results fast. But in reflection today, I believe the right thing to do is to do it well. Be it shortcut or long way.. things must be done always the right way and done well.


Dreams & Reality

Sometimes we dream big in  life. Aint wrong. Its always good to dream big. But sometimes we need to also be realistic. And reality is what keeps our big dreams full of sanity. Big dreams is what drives us to change the reality in our lives. Funny how dreams interact with reality, that to fulfill a dream, reality is needed to compliment that dream and to be driven in a realistic world, we need dreams. The thing is dreams are the opposite of reality. Hmm.

"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt


light vs darkness

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars." - Og Mandino


"Man of Sorrows"

"Man Of Sorrows"

Man of sorrows Lamb of God
By His own betrayed
The sin of man and wrath of God
Has been on Jesus laid

Silent as He stood accused
Beaten mocked and scorned
Bowing to the Father's will
He took a crown of thorns

Oh that rugged cross
My salvation
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out
Praise and honour unto Thee

Sent of heaven God's own Son
To purchase and redeem
And reconcile the very ones
Who nailed Him to that tree

Now my debt is paid
It is paid in full
By the precious blood
That my Jesus spilled

Now the curse of sin
Has no hold on me
Whom the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed

See the stone is rolled away
Behold the empty tomb
Hallelujah God be praised
He's risen from the grave



"Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they  thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:10-11

Discipline. This word has never been a pleasant word and has been a taboo especially for male students like me who have seen the rotan and discipline teacher occasionally. Our parents certainly disciplines us as well other than teachers and often discipline from parents are more feared than the discipline from teachers. This is because the love of a parent is deeper and stronger and discipline has to take place to enable us to learn from mistakes, to change to a better person and guard our characteristics. Love brings about discipline and God too, in His love for us, seeks to discipline us to mold us into man and woman of godly characteristic. Humbly accepting the discipline process and perseverance through it is the key that unlocks righteousness and peace in the end because it transform us and renews us into a new person, helping us to remove things in our life that is not right with God. "Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man You teach from Your law" Psalm 94:12

Prayer: Father, we thank You for disciplining us. It is painful, but Lord, we know that we have to go through it, so shape us Lord, as a potter shapes a pot. Mold us, train us and guide us Lord to be the man and woman of God that we can be in You. Thank You Lord, in Jesus name. Amen!!